you're looking for the perfect gfe, or you just want to have fun, let me be your date and I'll make your fantasies come true.My Private Time:Inkol:l30 min -400 TL1h - 600 TL1,5h - 900 TL2h - 1100 TL3h - 1500 TLDinner date 4-5h - 2000 TLOvernight - 3000 TLOutcall:2h 1300 - TL+taxi3h 1600 - TL + taxi4h 2100 - TL+taxi0Overnight 3100 TL+taxiExtra:CIM, CIF, COB - 100TLGolden shower giving - 200LA-rimming - 100 TLDeep throat - 100 TL Hi, honey!!I'm Ennie Saga enjoy kisses and cuddless, I have a very open minded personality, that's why I enjoy sex very much..
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