ChelseaReady for some fun, just ready to break out and have a good time looking for laughs and down to earth people would love to have my first real experience with another woman and try the things i have fantasied overgenuine, fun people who are serious about possibly meeting up with no pressure on itfun luvin athletic guy looking to meet friends in all sorts of ways for all types of encounters and fun.
NCALL rates:1 hour - TL 4002 hours - TL 700Overnight TL 1000 (5 hours)A-level 300Nisa is perfect girl if you like Turkish style of sex:) You pay for TIME, not for TIMES of sex, shots are unlimited.Service included in price: massage, shower together, extra-balls, sexy lingerie & high-hills :)Nationality: TurkeyHeight: 160 cmWeight: 50 kgCup: "C" (natural)Hair: YellowEyes: BrownHi there i'm Bonheur looking for some fun come out of 6 year relationship so just seeing what's out there..
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