Ven a olvidarte de tus problemas vamos a asar un rato bien agradable Hello my name is diana i am easy to get along i love a man to please and i love to make a man cum before anything that`s my biggest goal in sex i love to please and also recive please from a man i am naughty.I'm a single Gjulshahe yr old man i work dam hard looking for some one to spoil and have funlike ladies with good sense of humour easy going and enjoy good timesits hard to speak of oneself handsome comedic smoke drink single gregarious love the outdoors can't dance nor sing just wanna have heaps of fun..
Beautifull and sexyEasy going person with good sence of humor and i like intelligent gents to have company with....I can assure you you will have a marvelous time and won't be forgetting soon...ServicesOWO: YESDFK: YESCOB: YESCIF: YESCIM: YES69: YESA-LEVEL: YESToys: YESAvailable to: MenExtra:Anal ( depending of size ) 50 € From 11:00 AM To 02:00 AMRates: Incall1/2 Hour ( only incall ): 110 €1 Hour: 170 €1,1/2 Hour: 250 €2 Hours: 300€3 Hours: 450 €OUTCALL + TAXI.
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