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I propose an experience with a high class companion such as you always dreamed about : unique and memorable.Just call me now!30 min- 400 tl ( 1 time) extraball +50 tl1h - 600 tl (2 time )2h - 1100tl3h - 1500 tl4h- 1800 tlovernight 2500 tloutcall -2 h- 1200 tl+taxi3 h- 1600 tl +taxi4h- 1900 tl+taxiall night 2600 tl +taxiPlease make a reservation in advance.You DON'T pay for hotel. Price for my room already INCLUDED in my rates.Im shy to start with but once i get to no you im fine.You will never regret spending time with a great woman who knows what should be done to have a pleasant and unforgettable time.
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