BEST SERVICE FOR YOU!!!OWO,69, COB, Toys, DFK, GFE,PSE,BJ, Full Body Massage,Prost.massage, Lingerie,Fetish, Foot Fetish, Role Play ...Uniforms: Secretary,Babydoll,Dress-Black ,Shoes with high heels, Underwear with suspenders and stockings...Rates:Incall Rates:30min - 450TL1h - 650TL2h - 1200TL3h - 1700TLOutcall Rates:1h-750TL + taxi expenses2h-1400TL + taxi expenses3h-1700TL + taxi expensesNight - 2800TL + taxi expensesOne day - 6000TL + taxi expensesMy pics are real and authentic!Here is your chance to make your fantasy a reality!Hello my dear man,my name is Vika,I'm 19 years old,I'm first time in Istanbul and i want to show you passionate and faultless sex with the very young girl and it's me) I love sex very much and I love cim and rim bcs l love experiments with my body and all sexy thinks ))) and I have in same hotel my friends there names Diana and Liza we can make duo and lesby show for you!.
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