BESİKTAS area!BAFY elegant and sexy, very energetic and young girl.provide an attentive and high quality service.she very discreet and always sexy but elegantly dressed: "when I’ll meet you I’ll always look like an Executive Lady.." full service but NO anal!cif , cob include in price!ONLY SMS and WHATS UP!!30 min 130 euro (450 tl)1 hour 200 euro(550 tl)2 hour 350 euro(1200 tl)3 hour 450 euro (1600 tl)night 800 euro(3000 tl)for outcall + taxi extraLoves getting tattooslooking for some fun with a shemale..
footfetish, sex in different positions, deep throat, intimate massage.erotic massage, Real girlfriend experience..***** ANAL SEX....If you want..Can be hot and tender - do you want to try my juicy wet pussy?.......JUST in town 4U.........BEAUTIFUL.....come and experience the ultimate pleasure with me!...I am Sanuja friendly, very playful & extra naughty....Thanks for calling me .....
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