INCALL:30 mın - 400tl--140$ GROUP(2 boy):60mın - 600tl-- 200$ 60 mın - 1200tl90mın - 900tl-- 300$ 120mın - 2000tl2h - 1100tl-- 400$3h - 1500tl-- 550$full nıght - 3000tl-( 00.00-06.00 ) 1000$OUTCALL:1 h - 700--200$+ taxi2 h - 1200--400$+taxiextra services:Cim Cif +150Shower +100Rimming +150Good personalityi enjoy the gym, i am married but it lack a certain spark i enjoy working out and getting out on my motorbike i want a lady that i can treat to some special adult time and i love to satisfy the lady i am with..
discreet and luxurious place- Very clean, quiet and comfortable- I will make you live an unforgettable experience100% real:- Everything you are reading is real and genuine- I guarantee you a beautiful relaxing time- My services are 100% guaranteedHygiene- I am clean, perfumed, shaved,- Impeccable in every part of my body,and I'm very fit and healthyAbout me- Beautiful, sensual, refined, elegant and incredibly sexy woman- Provocative- Delicate with impressive physical body- Many curves and fantasies to discover- Extremely playful, nice, sweet, funny, uninhibited, curious, sensual, mysterious ...I'm a hard worker who likes to play harder am always full of energy and crack a smile out of most people..
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