Services:Full service!Classical sex,Sex In Different Positions,Erotic massage,Masturbation,Light domination, (Role Playing)Kissing with tongue,Oral without condom,Cum on body,Cum In Face,Cum in mouth,cople m/m m/ reviws on Greek 250euro2h 400euro3h 550euroFair ,relaxed ,love nature biking boating all watersports ,mainly quite livestyle,love some travel ,happy with live and love to meet peple they have same/similar view..
TOYS!ONLY SMS and WHATS UP!!Incall for 1 girl:30 min 130 euro (400 tl)1 hour 200 euro(600 tl)2 hour 350 euro(1000 tl)3 hour 450 euro (1400 tl)night 800 euro(2700 tl)for outcall + taxi extraIam an attractive, fun loving kinda person, looking for some great time in melbourne i ll not dissappoint you, try me easy going, friendly person that enjoys the outdoors, sports, motor racing and drives in the country love getting outside in the garden.
Tanya enjoys Striptease, Erotic massage, French kissing(kissing with tongue),Classic sex in different positions(with condom), Oral sex (without condom), 69, Cum in Face,Cum in mouth, Cum on body.Playing with sex toys.Tanya enjoys wearing sexy and nice lingerie, stockings,high heel shoes, skirts, dresses and other outfits by yourrequest.You will definitely enjoy the company, friendly and easycommunication and perfect GFE.Rate1 hour - 250EUR2 hours - 350EUR3 hours- 450EUR6 hours- 650EURBooking in Istanbul by SMS: +38 050 279 82 59.
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