BBW Super wet an nasty with the head game...I'm Muzna ornight ...wet...dripping....creamy..pussy 🍆🍆🍆🙋♀🙋♀🙋♀ 😜Knock me anytime tono law enforcementno gamestel: xxx-5 just a phone call awayINCALL 🏨 very comfortable private location ✈Threesomeslooking for conversation and friendship non smoker social drinkers.
I have a classic body with a natural curves, and an exotic and sensual face.Enjoy your time with me, I'm educated and I can have a good conversation with you.I offer a no rush services, some drinks, all clean and discrete place.Let me be your wings Im interested in girly girls new to this side of the fence, i am liking it so far just looking for a casual thingsomeone looking for some fun hang out, go out etc have a few drinks and see where the night takes us :phey im brett get to know me im up for some fun with so if ur interested leave message with ur phone number =d.
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