****************You can always ask about my extra that are NOT included:Anal,COB(finish on my body).*The price is fix,please don't ask for Cimin, discounts!!!* I not answer at private numbers;* Please you don't ask about sex without condom;* I accept SMS and call;* If you call me and i not answered, please give me a message with details and i will try to answer as soon as possible;* If you make an appointment and you can not make it, please give me a call or text me.
Welcome to the largest Germany escort directory. We are the largest independent escort ads directory for Germany showing you recent and unique escort services in Germany.
At paulsflores.com you will find several types of escorts in Germany. Less popular services in Germany: Scat (receive), Germany call girls, Extraball, Germany female escorts, Germany Austrian escorts, Germany Submissive/Slave (hard) and BS - body slide service providers.
Paulsflores.com is a site of information and publicity and has no connection or link with any sites whatsoever or individuals mentioned here. We are only an advertising space, we are not an escort agency, nor even in the escorting or the business of prostitution. We take no responsibility for the content or actions of third parties (websites or individuals) on which you would have information such as emails or telephone contacts. +18 content only.