My pictures are 100% real.Average guy, sick of chasing the pub and club scene hoping to meet someone half decent on here wish me lucki am not over fussy and rely on looks so lets chat and seei'm a fun and open minded and really like trying new things and am will to do just about anything to get that extra bit of pleasure or to give it.
having an infectious smile and the great legs doesn't hurt either.Call for pleasureRates30 minutes £1 hour £I am Lauratu now based near Sloane Square StationNikki I am Lauratu a hot blooded half Russian half Mediterranean Blonde , I have a great attitude and a Sexxxy and Sweet nature.My profile , my words , my photos and my actions have spoken for me for a long time.....if your beautiful and sweet and sexy and make your clients happy they will come back...
Welcome to the largest Germany escort directory. We are the largest independent escort ads directory for Germany showing you recent and unique escort services in Germany.
At you will find several types of escorts in Germany. Less popular services in Germany: B + D – bondage + discipline, Germany call girls, Footjob, Germany female escorts, Germany Romanian escorts, Germany Social escort and Maid service providers. is a site of information and publicity and has no connection or link with any sites whatsoever or individuals mentioned here. We are only an advertising space, we are not an escort agency, nor even in the escorting or the business of prostitution. We take no responsibility for the content or actions of third parties (websites or individuals) on which you would have information such as emails or telephone contacts. +18 content only.