REAL LESBY SHOWSERVICES:Shower together YesToys(if you bring) YesDeep throut(deepent of the size) YesLight domination YesA rimming (giving) YesCim YesCif YesCib YesGFE YesExtraballs YesFrench kissing: YesOWO YESStriptease Yes69: YesMassage: YesExtra Services:Golden shower(give)+50 euroFoto and video +100euroAnal +70 euro(for each lady)if you whant ask something about prices please sms +tel: xxx-30.
Cum LETE HA E FUN DEEP THROAT INCLUDED85/120/1603 HOLE SPECIAL PLAY $110420 FRIENDLY NO TRADESBbj $100ssWant all women i love women who dont shave who are natural women i love curvy women im willing to try anything hi i'm just looking for fun at this point off time sorry but dinner still on is the go i'm new to this site and i work are Finland i'm a photography.
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