and there are many other things Im really perfect too xxx ...I'm a new girl in town and I would like to invite you to my discreet apartment and make your day the best in your life.I'm ready for all your wishes and wanna learn hot to satisfy you in more than you thinkFor your comfortable i have a bathroom where you can freshen up both before and after the session.You can expect absolute discretion, absolute security, make full use of the fixed time of the meeting*****************************The best way to contact to me is to call or send text :) Thank YouI'm waiting for you – NICOLE xxx I am looking to meet new friends and partners, i have many interests, and good conversation skills, happy just to meet for coffee and conversation, or to follow her lead i am looking for someone to spend time with, in any way she wants.
Full service!Classical sex,Sex In Different Positions,Erotic massage,Masturbation,Light domination, (Role Playing)Kissing with tongue,Oral without condom,Cum on body,Cum In Face,Cum in mouthShe has Straponcople m/m m/w.Extra service:Anal +100euroBlowjob without Condom Swallow +50euroGolden shower (giverecive) +50ePrice:30min 150euro1hour 200euro2hours 350euro3hours 500euro.
天天00 Well, sometimes im a bit shy but when im hot, im so naughty and wilde, i would love my room will friendly and hot as hell!!!I’m an easy going lady with a fabulous partner and we are looking for a more open relationship and to explore new thingssomeone who is easy going, discreet and looking for a bit of funsigned up for a casual fling maybe something more if it works out i need someone who can satisfy my taste..
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