Services: Anal sex (depending on size) only protected, protected only normal Sex, Oral Sex unprotected / protected completion mouth / body / girl, , I am your heaven on earth so let my eyes take over your body and soul.We are couple into a few drinks and meetings very attractive partner looking too meet up friendlyeasy outgoin person coolnice relaxed persons enjoys havin fun and have a good timehonest, respectful, reliable of average build i am married reason for discretion fwb or nsa, i love my golf and diy.
Do you like my pictures and now you want to know more about me?only watsap+tel: xxx-07INCALL30 min 350 TL (150$)40 min 450 TL (200 $)1H 550 TL (250 $)2H 900 TL (400$)1h DUO 1000 TL (450$)OUTCALL1H 600 TL (270$) + taxi2H 900 TL (400$) + taxi69 position, Cum on body, Erotic massage, Kissing with tongue, oral sex without a condom, sex in different positions, Oh, how nice that you've found me!.
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